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BEK Recognizes Coop Month and Invites New Members to District 5

Stroh highlights the crucial role that telecommunications cooperatives play in connecting rural communities in North Dakota with fiber broadband, especially emphasizing the importance of reliable internet access during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Cooperatives, as Stroh explains, provide various opportunities for communities to support each other. They offer grant opportunities to strengthen communities, support schools, fire departments, senior centers, and more. Stroh traces BEK's history back to its cooperative roots when it began in Steele, ND, with farmers collaborating to provide telephone service to rural areas. Today, BEK continues its mission of connecting rural communities.

Stroh emphasizes the interdependence of cooperatives and their members, mentioning examples like powering grain dryers, household activities, and accessing essential information online. He notes that cooperatives continuously seek ways to advance their businesses and provide more benefits to their members.

Stroh announces that BEK has expanded its service area to include more membership opportunities. District 5, which is divided into two areas (Valley City and Bismarck/Mandan), is actively seeking new members and Directors to represent these areas. Stroh emphasizes the importance of member influence on board decisions and announces the appointment of a Nomination Committee for District 5 to select new Directors.

Prospective members are encouraged to apply online and complete a Cooperative Membership Form, contributing to the cooperative's strength. To be eligible, individuals must reside within the District 5 service area and subscribe to BEK's internet or phone services, including the BEK Connect Hosted Business Phone System. Stroh concludes by inviting interested parties to fill out the form and inquire about becoming a Director for District 5, highlighting the cooperative's commitment to community and member engagement.

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