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BEK Communications Cooperative: Celebrating National Cooperative Month and Rural Connectivity

Kevin and Jordan reflect on the history of BEK, which has served rural Southwest North Dakota for over 70 years. They highlight the cooperative's founding as a member-owned organization driven by the necessity of rural communities to establish their own reliable communication services, as they couldn't rely on larger cities for such services.

Kevin stresses that today, rural areas benefit from excellent services, including high-tech fiber broadband, often surpassing what's available in bigger urban areas. As a member and farmer, he emphasizes the crucial role of reliable communication services for running his business in a rural community.

Kevin encourages those within BEK's service area to experience the advantages of becoming a member, becoming a part of the cooperative. They also discuss BEK's expansion into District 5, enabling current customers in these areas to become members and participate in the company's decision-making process.

They provide information on how to become a member, including details on the new District 5 service area and the opportunity for members to become Directors in the district. They emphasize BEK's status as a non-profit cooperative that reinvests in its communities.

In conclusion, the segment showcases BEK Communications Cooperative's commitment to serving rural communities, offering top-notch communication services, and fostering member involvement to ensure the cooperative's continued success.

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