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Tomi Time

Election Hotline: 701-712-0099 or email Tomi Collins is the host of BEK TV’s “Tomi Time Election Hotline”, which calls on all American poll workers, auditors, voters, and freedom-lovers to ensure that our country remains a free, Republic nation through a fair and accurate election process. Tips that come through the Election Hotline (701) 712-0099 or are investigated and used as forensic evidence by Tomi and her team. Tomi also encourages all Americans to: 1.) Vote AND 2.) Vote in person on Election Day. Tomi says the past has proven that voting accuracy has been compromised through mail-in voting and early voting. Tomi is Executive Director of “America Restored”, an action-driven coalition with the mission of restoring the United States of America to God’s original intent. The group also works to ensure the integrity of U.S. elections and calls on all Americans to push for complete, accurate, and real-time results to prevent voter fraud. Tomi also serves as the National Chairwoman of The Regulated Freedom Amendment, a proposed constitutional amendment that was written into the 2016 Republican Party platform. The amendment received unanimous endorsement by the Republican National Convention and the White House’s blessing. Tomi was instrumental in obtaining many key endorsements from 900 state legislators, including the then Vice President of the United States Mike Pence, U.S. Senators Ted Cruz and Kevin Cramer, and U.S. Congressman Pet Sessions. Tomi works closely with Bill Binney, an expert consultant on analysis and analytic techniques for the NSA, CIA, NRO, Customs and Border Protection, and Homeland Security. Binney has created technology that detects and reports illegal voters before voting occurs. The technology has real-time capabilities that help to protect the election process and prevent voter fraud. Tomi has 27 years of experience in business leadership, team building, and creating strategic partnerships. She looks at problems through a creative lens to find and implement innovative solutions. She is a true patriot with a passion for protecting American families, businesses, values, freedoms, and existence.

EP: 8 - Tomi Time, Election Hotline (2022-11-10)

EP: 8 - Tomi Time, Election Hotline (2022-11-10)

In episode eight of Tomi Time Election Hotline, Tomi discusses some calls she has received from concerned North Dakota citizens. Tomi requests you call or email concerns related to the 2022 Election, including to share any difficulty you experienced while voting. Tomi has received reports from Fargo of busses filled with individuals illegally in the United States arriving at polling centers in Fargo. Reports to Tomi also indicate these individuals fill out only one candidate on each ballot before leaving. If you observed this activity, Tomi requests you contact the election hotline to share your information. Tomi Time Election Hotline 701-712-0099 Watch more episodes online at Tomi hears from a concerned caller from Fargo. The caller reports only eight voting centers were open versus the 34 centers open for the 2020 Election. The caller reports polling centers turned away volunteers for months leading up to Election Day 2022. The caller reports she observed ads on Facebook to attempt to hire election workers since August 2022 even though previous election workers had not been contacted. The caller also reports Cass County does not currently have an elected auditor, but an appointed county financial director. The caller reports this is the first election with that change. The caller reports her mother had been contacted about working a poll center in Arthur a week prior to the election. The caller reports her mother declined due to unfamiliarity and driving to that location. The caller reports her mother was contacted later regarding working at the polling location at West Acres Mall, for six consecutive days around the election, including working from 5:30 AM until past 9:00 PM on Election Day. Tomi hears from a second caller in Jamestown who reports she observed a newspaper article stating the Stutsman County Auditor would be conducting a public test of the voting equipment on October 27, 2022. The caller stated she attended the meeting. The caller stated she asked the auditor if she could volunteer to help with the polls. The auditor quickly replied they had enough volunteers. The caller reported another woman attended the meeting and stated she had previously volunteered at the polling locations. The caller reported that the woman had asked to volunteer again and was also told that additional volunteers were not necessary. The caller stated that she then learned, on Election Day, that the poll workers were so busy that they were lucky to have a short break to eat. The caller reports more volunteers would have been welcomed but the auditor had ruined that opportunity. The caller reported she is certain many people had walked out of the polling locations without voting due to the length of lines and lack of time to wait. The caller also shared that she was extremely disappointed she was not able to volunteer and that she had been prevented from assisting.

EP: 10 - Tomi Time, Election Hotline (2022-11-15)

EP: 10 - Tomi Time, Election Hotline (2022-11-15)

On episode ten of Tomi Time Election Hotline, Tomi discusses reports of election irregularities. Tomi touches on ballots being received by out-of-state individuals who have not resided in North Dakota for approximately ten years, reports of individuals receiving mail-out ballot applications when not requested and/or for other individuals in other counties, current and former poll workers reporting not being permitted to volunteer at the polls for this election cycle even though more volunteers were needed, and South Dakota canvassing with paper poll books versus North Dakota's move away from paper records for auditing. Tomi shares how the PollPads by KNOWiNK are connected to a dedicated cellular VPN through WiFi which syncs with ND VOICES through private cellular networks (page 3, SecureYeti North Dakota audit report). Tomi shares a phone call from Jessica, who works with South Dakota Canvassing. Jessica states South Dakota had several counties, including Custer, Fall River, Tripp and Butte Counties, who chose to hand-count ballots for the 2022 Election verifications. In Tripp County, a discrepancy of 75 votes was reported. According to Jessica, the PollBooks and ballots matched with 356 ballots at the end of the voting day. However, upon recount at the courthouse with use of DS200, the tabulator showed 281 votes with none kicked out. Jessica stated the votes 'disappeared' and they have yet to discover or explain the reason for the missing votes. Jessica stated the auditor claimed the votes were then discovered in a different precinct. However, the commissioner from the other precinct stated the votes were not discovered there and that the precinct was verified accurate. Tomi discusses how Brian Newby, North Dakota Election Director, works alongside his wife, Jessica Newby - Information Security Officer with North Dakota Information Technology (NDIT). Tomi shares similar events are occurring in other areas of the country, including Georgia and Alabama. Melissa Isaak from Alabama was recently on The Stew Peters Show discussing the election voting machines being solely verified by the product vendors versus receiving independent verification. Watch the full episode here: Tomi Time Election Hotline 701-712-0099 Watch more episodes online at

EP: 7 - Tomi Time, Election Hotline (2022-11-09)

EP: 7 - Tomi Time, Election Hotline (2022-11-09)

On today's Tomi Time Election Hotline, Tomi shares information from Election Day 2022. Tomi discusses the direct reports from citizens and election poll workers. Tomi mentions issues that occurred in Fargo, including long lines and a reduction in polling locations and lack of paper ballots. Tomi also touches on PollPads having technical glitches in Bismarck. A citizen left two messages to share how one polling location in Bismarck was out of paper ballots midday, and that individuals wishing to cast their vote were required to vote on electronic machines. The caller stated the poll workers were uncertain if they would receive additional paper ballots before the end of the voting day. A second citizen contacted the Tomi Time Election Hotline to report a long line of people waiting at the West Fargo Fairgrounds, which ran out of paper ballots. The caller also stated she heard about a shortage of paper ballots in Williston. A third caller provided an update regarding Fargo voting. He stated he traveled to his designated polling location where the workers told him that they did not have a ballot for his district. He stated the workers contacted other polling locations to determine which location would have a ballot for his district. The caller stated he traveled to the second location to vote. However, they also did not have a ballot for his district. The poll workers provided an electronic ballot for him to vote, even though he desired to complete a traditional paper ballot and shared his frustrations about the electronic machines. A fourth caller reported information regarding wifi signals inside polling locations with 'SoS' in the name, and how the signal was supposedly not to be available outside the polling locations in Bismarck. A fifth caller reported she attempted to vote at approximately 7:15 AM. The caller reported a long wait in line. Upon reaching the worker at the end of the line, the caller stated the poll worker informed her that the PollBooks were displaying the current location of 'Bismarck Event Center' instead of the Hillside Aquatic Center. The caller reported the workers had been troubleshooting since before the location had opened for the day. The caller reported many others left the line, as well as the poll worker informing individuals to travel to the Bismarck Event Center to vote instead. The caller reported that she was able to vote at approximately 7:45 AM. The caller stated the poll workers shared information that the PollPad error was city-wide in Bismarck and that they were in contact with the vendor to reprogram or correct the devices.

EP: 6 - Tomi Time, Election Hotline (2022-11-08)

EP: 6 - Tomi Time, Election Hotline (2022-11-08)

In episode six, Tomi recaps the SecureYeti audit report and the North Dakota participants who signed off on the report related to North Dakota election systems and devices used. Tomi discusses the 'PollPads' developed by KNOWiNK and the ExpressVote tabletop machine related to the DS200 machine. Then, Tomi discusses the lack of transparency with your right to vote. We hear from three individuals who called the 2022 Election Hotline regarding concerns they have witnessed in their areas of North Dakota.

EP: 5 - Tomi Time, Election Hotline (2022-11-07)

EP: 5 - Tomi Time, Election Hotline (2022-11-07)

Tomi discusses a home rule charter ballot initiative and a petition for grand jury investigations into corruption. Tomi also highlights an email from Brian Newby, North Dakota's Election Director, advising election officials to consult with their State's Attorney on Freedom of Information Act requests, potentially claiming exemption due to critical infrastructure or security concerns. Further, Tomi reviews North Dakota’s 2019 election equipment certification and shares voting discrepancies from Kidder, Stutsman, and LaMoure counties.

EP: 4 - Tomi Time, Election Hotline (2022-11-04)

EP: 4 - Tomi Time, Election Hotline (2022-11-04)

Tomi discusses elected official scoring from CPAC, as well as federal funding tied to Sen. John Hoeven and Northwest Respiratory Services, LLC.

EP: 3 - Tomi Time, Election Hotline (2022-11-02)

EP: 3 - Tomi Time, Election Hotline (2022-11-02)

Tomi discusses election machine audit results in North Dakota.

EP: 1 - Tomi Time, Election Hotline (2022-10-31)

EP: 1 - Tomi Time, Election Hotline (2022-10-31)

Tomi talks about the importance of voting in person and the day of this year.